


The dress shirt is the unsung hero of the suit. A proper sartorial article by itself, it demands proper construction and care in order to deliver understated performance when called on. The dress shirt should be tasteful and elegant, with trimmings, certainly but to enhance not to distract. Starting form fabric selection, colour selection, purpose to the form and fit, every detail matters. This includes buttons, type of stitching and thread! A high robust collar and manly double cuffs are possibly main stays of a dress shirt. These peek out from the suit and triangulates the observers’ attention when seeing some one in a suit. Thus the shirt must be crisp and functional at all times.
The fabric selection is really a crucial foundational decision is shirt making. Oxfords, Pinpoint, Poplins, Piques and Herringbone are all staple weaves and pure cotton is almost a must. There is thread count to look out for with the higher the thread count the fussier (easier to crease) the fabric. The irony is that the difficulty of maintaining a crisp, wrinkle free shirt is part of the charm. When you so see a wonderfully tailored, crisped and well pressed shirt, it is a true sight to behold and those who know, appreciate the effort that goes into that visual!


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